Thursday, September 14, 2006

Take this Screen!!!

All I see is black. Thick, un-margined black.

So I decided to turn my computer on, and what'd I find? Who the fuck plays this type of an evil joke on an unsuspecting person? Apparently I did. Sadly, the humor was lost on me.

I've had this ability- kinda like a super power in a really bad comic- to waste days and days reading other peoples scripts and then turning on God.

God, if you're not privy, is a slim, pale, caring beauty. One that understands my needs and comforts me through the good and the bad, and even the pathetic syntax that spouts from my mouth and fingertips. God know's when I'm neglecting, or when I'm being neglected. But God's message is clear- "Find me and I shall comfort you through the darkness, make work for your idle hands, and I will not freeze before you get to save your game."

It's nice of God to do these things for me. And come with an assortment of games at only 59.99 US. God even comes with a remote control, two controllers, and a 20G hardrive. Where would I be without God?

The easy answer would be "getting laid, dipshit." Silly girlfriend with crystal clear answers. Silly.

The truth is that I'd be here, on my computer, writing the Greatest Story Ever told- AKA- my new spec. And so, under threat from aforementioned Silly Girl that if I didn't do so she'd throw God out the window, I am. Slowly. Too slowly.

Act I has started with a bang, and like a Gypsy with your wallet; I can already see the finish line. Too bad I've got gimpy knees and hate running.

Months of procrastinating under the guise of actual 'paid work' I've decided it's time to at least hobble along. But I've given myself a deadline. Oct. 10th. And with God whispering sweet nothings in my ear, this seems unlikely. I've written scripts faster before, but this one deserves my time. At least not in between shifts of my new Bishop- NHL 07. How do you all get away from distractions? Kids, kittens, games, wikipedia, orinformational websites? What are your great ways to block the outside world, besides just turning off the TV?


? said...

Fuck the world! We got reshaping the planet's consciousness to manufacture through our violent, yet family orientated, unecessary action movies!!!!!!!

Go forth, brother! And let's change the world together!

One fictional bullet hit at a time!

underwire said...

Deadlines, for sure. But there are days when the deadlines are overwhelming, when I just want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head. (That's most days anyway because I love sleeping). So I have to set realistic goals or I fold internally. And I take many knitting breaks. And nap breaks. And struedel breaks.

Patrick J. Rodio said...

Haven't really figured that out yet. I am easily distracted. Sometimes music gets me back into a script.

Patrick J. Rodio said...

By the way, I finally added you on my bloglist. Thought you were already on it!!

Ryan Rasmussen said...

Not going online. Making sure the first thing clicked is either Word or your screenwriting software.

If you have to, don't pay the Internet bill. Of course, you won't be able to tell us if it works for you, but good luck!

Patrick J. Rodio said...

It's tough, normally I write in the wee hours, midnight - 3am. But even then there are distractions, surfing the web, these damn blogs, etc.

Music helps me sometimes get in an all-writing mood.