Sunday, September 03, 2006

"I'm a TOOL"

With a little flicker on the iPod, winamp, cd player, record spinning thingymagig- a lot of writers find themselves tapping out to tunes they've grown up with or recently found. I'm no different, I suppose. I often find setting and tone within the music I choose.

And then sometimes it's just fun to rock the fuck out.

This past two weeks, I've been in Vegas and Washington for my one and only Vacation this year (some would say that's lucky)- I went down to the gorge and watched TOOL. For those that don't know them- they're an industrial metal or a prog-metal band depending on your classification. Not everyones cup of tea.

But man, oh man...oh man...

If for one night in my life God ripped off the ceiling and asked me to join him for a few hours- it would probably equate to this concert. 25000-30000 people in the open Gorge near Quincy Washinton, surrounded by vineyards...feeling the earth quake with every strum.

It didn't get me thinking about writing some thunderous powerful story. It just made me realize that people on top of thier games have the ability to come, conquer, and leave you breathless.

This is what my scripts need to be.

I'm going to go drown myself in a pool of self-doubt now.


deepstructure said...

it's funny, im not a huge tool fan so i've never considered seeing them live. but i've been reconsidering since last year when i talked to a friend after he saw them at madison square garden. he said it was the most amazing concert he's ever been to. he couldn't even describe why. it was an ineffable experience.

Anonymous said...

the whole mp3 and downloading thing has really let me rediscover my youth for sure: Aldo Nova, The Nuge, Loverboy... oh god, I just admitted it